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Trips Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe Kamakura Toronto Visit
Tokyo Asakusa Cherry Blossoms Chinatown Kabukicho O Daiba Penis Festival Sakuragicho Tsukiji Fish Market
Not in order of importance coz these people have all made my experience even more special....
The stages of drunkenness (Purdey and I)
The four pictures above are co-workers and students of Purdey. The white guy's Ben, Australian, also from Perth. Cute Japanese guy beside Ben is Yoshki, who has plans of coming to Toronto to study English in a year or so. You guys will all help Purdey and I make him welcome I'm sure!
From the Left: Meg, Gina and Shelley. We're at the baseball game
where Gina's boyfriend is pitching.
Brian and me just grabbing a coffee in Sakuragicho. Brian's leaving soon
so there goes half my friends! =(
This is about the only pictureI have of Claire. You can see why I don't
have many of her, she hates taking pictures!
Oh wait! Got a good candid shot!
One of my favourite students...not from the school I teach....obviously, she's
not shorter than 3 ft.
Claire Gina Meg
Aya Mayu Mitsuko
Brian Hinnie Purdey
Chris Ken Tom